about us

About HSC

Harrison Secure Companies is focused on total security. We focus on our client’s specific requirements and delivering pro-active security solution 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Hundred percent 100% coverage means satisfied clients that feel secure with us as their security provider. HSC’s, is a family own business, operate/manage by seven Harrison’s experience combine together is over 112 years, from Law Enforcement, Military, High Risk Security Protection, Armored Car, Bodyguard, Healthcare, Attorney and Construction Management/ Own. We bring 20 years of experience based proven security solutions. You can rely on security that meets and exceeds your expectations by identifying and anticipating potential security issues. We at Harrison Secure Companies, take pride in being overqualified at all that we do. “We give our best first at all times.”

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Always do the right thing. Be open to all views and not be bias.


Recognize needs, by putting humanity in service. Show heart. Give acknowledge and reward contribution.

Team Work

Communicate and collaborate with staff, client and employee. Everyone counts. Recognize and include the ideas of others.


Respect all customers, employees, partners, Appreciate differences. Listen to the ideas of others.


Be mindset of an owner and entrepreneur. Set high expectation and be responsible for our action and outcomes.

What we do





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Our Experience

team member

C Harrison Jr.

Operation manager

Denton Harrison

Operation manager

Mel Harrison

Operation manager